Tools & Resources
PDFs to Download
Basic Needs Assessment
This is a non-scientific assessment of the Basic Needs and how each individual’s Quality World Picture looks. Use it in an introduction to Choice Theory concepts. The leader should color in their own first as a demonstration. Give as little instruction on coloring as possible and see what you can learn about your team as they color in the graphic. Encourage them to share with each other.
Basic Needs Assessment Worksheet
Transfer scores from Basic Needs Assessment here. Print these as large as possible for your team to color in.
Choice Theory Leader Standard Work
This chart is my own creation, combining the Lean approach (continuous improvement) with the Choice Theory Leader approach (respect for people). Analyze your own behavior in each venue and how you can enhance team members’ ability to meet their own Basic Needs at each event. If we consider these in advance, I believe every meeting can be more meaningful.
How The Brain Works Chart
Dr. Glasser’s “How the Brain Works” chart is a masterpiece explain how external stimuli lead to our behaviors. You can hear an explanation of it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-TsxIX9o0Y. The chart can be purchased at: https://wglasserbooks.com/books/.
Shared Vision
Use this format after you have had a discussion with a colleague. Ask them questions to clarify your own understanding of their perspective. Share your perspective with them. Ask yourself (and them, too) where your shared vision is and work with them within that context.
Ask them and yourself where your commonalities are and explore differences later.
Total Behavior Wheel
As discussed in the scenario with Keven in Brian Patterson's book Connect & Lead, this is the format used to help him evaluate his current Total Behavior and how he would like it to be. When an employee experiences this process from a caring leader, their behavior will improve.
On the left side, ask them questions about each of the four parts, and write their answers in spokes. For example, “What were you thinking when…?” And “What else were you thinking?” Be sure to separate feelings from thoughts. They will learn that if they think differently, they will feel differently. This will give them more of a sense of self- control.
What Are You Talking About?
This is a brainstorming sheet using Deming’s PDCA cycle, here is a format that can be helpful for teams. Decide what the problem is, what possible countermeasures there are, who will be responsible, by when, and how it will be followed up.
Print out as large as possible!